this is it.

this is it.
my favorite place and my favorite person.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Habits.

   For those of you know know me, I mean really know me, you know I am not a reader. I am also not a writer. However, in the days leading up to 2011 reading and writing were at the forefront of my mind. At the beginning of December I committed to read the entirety of the Bible in 100 days starting on January 1st. I also decided that for the first time ever I was going to create two good habits for myself; daily reading of God's word and daily writing of my own. I prayed, oh how I prayed, that I would not give up and let myself down. All too often in life I make myself promises and I become unmotivated and I give up. My biggest "character flaw" is lack of motivation and determination. I cannot remember much of anything in my life that I have started and finished with the same vigor; 2011 was going to be different.
    It's a good thing I started praying when I did, because before I knew it not only did I have personal reading and writing to keep up with, but I now also have a class requiring me to read 10 novels this semester (more than I have ever read for pleasure in my life) and another class where I am learning to embrace writing instead of running from it. January 2011 is over and for the first time I am PROUD that I have not let myself down. God has placed the desire that I asked for in my heart to read and to write and to look forward to that time with Him. Like I said, this is all a new experience for me, and it has delivered an abundance of blessings already! Any encouragement is welcome and any criticism... you can keep it to yourself. 

Humbled, Thankful, Boasting in Christ,

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