this is it.

this is it.
my favorite place and my favorite person.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Planning is an Obsession.

I'll sit for hours on I'll watch HGTV from daybreak to dawn. I'll re-plan my schedule for upcoming semesters every week. I'll research places I hope to live over and over again. I'll go to multiple job websites looking for jobs that make me excited and hopeful for years to come. I'll stalk multiple photography blogs to get excited about upcoming photography shoots. I'll plan trips, flight, hotel, car and activities, that I don't plan on going on until years from now.

Why do I do these things? None of them being me any immediate results or help me accomplish the things I need done today.

I'm not looking for a house. I'm not redesigning someones room. I've already planned my schedule. I have no idea where I want to live. I am no where near needing a job. I don't own my own photography studio, yet. I'm not going on any big trips.

The reason I do these things is because for me, planning is an obsession. I can plan elaborate road trips, grand parties, the house I want to live in all the way down to the neighborhood, crime rate, closest schools, accessibility of parks, closest mountains and lakes, and if it has a laundry room.

The downfall of my planning obsession is that very rarely can I follow through. I make workout plans, they never make it past my notebook. I make detailed schedule of homework completion, I check one assignment off the list. I make mental promises to eat a salad every day and drink more water, I look at the salad line and go get pizza and a glass of sweet tea instead. Up until this year, this is the attitude that ruled my life. However, two-thousand and eleven is different. I do not give up. I am motivated. I am worth keeping promises to myself.

Have you ever realized how big our God is? Oh, he's big, and he's powerful, and he can do anything he wants. He wants me to use my obsession with planning to change lives, but first, my own.

Commit to yourself that you WON'T give up. God made you and you are not worth giving up on.

Determined, full, and dancing in His presence.


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